Set Up & Use Custom Numbers

Custom numbers are available only for certain records and therefore may be edited, but not created.

Some custom numbers are cycle-specific. If the custom number is cycle-specific, the column displays the users current cycle. If the custom number is not cycle-specific, this column displays All Cycles. AptaFund determines which numbers are cycle-specific.

Specify a new custom number or edit an existing one

  1. Select System Configuration from the Administration menu, and click on the Custom Numbers tab.

  2. Check the box for the number you want to specify, and click the Edit button.  The Edit Custom Number window opens. Note: The Display Name and Cycle fields are read-only.

  3. Complete the other fields as described.

  4. Click Save to save the record and return to the Custom Numbers window.

Disable (quit using) a custom number

  1. Select System Configuration from the Administration menu, and click on the Custom Numbers tab.

  2. Check the box for the number you want to disable, and click the Edit button.  The Edit Custom Number window opens.

  3. Select No From the Enabled pull-down list.

  4. Click Save to save the record and return to the Custom Numbers window.


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