Rollover Bank Accounts

The Rollover Bank Accounts command is part of the AptaFund FYE Rollover Process. Do not attempt to use this command without being familiar with this process. Refer to the AptaFund FYE User Guide for instructions.

Refer to the Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist for the order in which to perform the rollover functions.

About bank account rollover

The Rollover Bank Accounts command updates the owner funds and the element values associated with bank accounts.

The Fund Administrator or Business Office Administrator security level is required to rollover bank accounts.

Before you begin

Ensure that the chart of accounts has been rolled over to the new accounting cycle since the last time any changes were made to it or to any element values. The account mapping must be current.

Rollover bank accounts

  1. While in the old cycle, select Bank Management from the Banking menu, and the Bank Management window opens.

  2. Click Rollover Bank Accounts, and the Rollover Bank Accounts dialog will open.

  3. Select the New Accounting Cycle, and click Rollover Bank Accounts. You'll be notified that the job is now in the job queue, and that you'll be notified when it's complete.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Once the rollover is complete, click the FY link in the upper right corner of the AptaFund window, select the new fiscal year, and return to Bank Account Management to verify the rollover.


Return to Bank Management Overview

Return to Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist