Move Transactions to the Next Fiscal Year

Use the Move Transactions feature to move transactions in the actual, encumbrance, or budget journal to the following fiscal year.

This feature is used by districts using the cash accounting method to pay summer payrolls where the expense is accrued in the current cycle, but the liability is paid in the next cycle.

Set the Cycle field to Next when creating the payroll register. Submit and approve the register, then print and verify all checks and direct deposits. AptaFund will move the cash transaction to the new fiscal year. 

Before you begin

The next fiscal year must have been created.

The COA must have been rolled over.

How does it work?

Move transactions

  1. Select Transaction Journal from the General Ledger menu, and that window opens.

  2. Check the box(es) for the transactions you want to move, and select Move Transaction(s) to FY xx-xx from the More menu. You're asked to confirm the action.

  3. Click Yes. The Result window opens displaying successes and failures.

  4. Click Close when you're finished reviewing the results.


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