Human Resources Configuration — General Tab

To edit HR configuration values

  1. Select Human Resources Configuration from the HR or Administration menu. The window opens displaying the General tab.

  2. Click the checkbox for a configuration value, and click the Edit button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Configuration Value window opens displaying the name of the configuration value and its system-defined definition in the Description field.

  3. Enter text in the Value field or select from the Value pull-down list, and click Save. You're returned to the Human Resources Configuration window with the new value displayed.

HR configuration values

Additional Classifications

Enter the list of valid employee classifications separated by carriage returns.

Allow Editing of Salary Encumbrance Transaction Date when Approving and Closing Job

Choosing Yes allows the user to modify the date of the Salary Encumbrance Transaction if it is posted when approving and closing job. Choose No to always use the current date as the transaction date.

Allow primary job with FTE above zero only

When this value is set to Yes, any job marked as primary will be subject to validation during approval. When the value is set to No there won't be any validation for this value for primary jobs.

Benefit Cost Limit

The cost limit amount the district offers to cover benefit costs for selected employee benefits as specified on the employee contract. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.

Board Non Offer Day

The day of the year the Governing Board automatically offers a one-year extension of a contract to an employee — unless on or before that date — the Board gives notice to the employee that they are not offering a new contract. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.

Board One Year Offer Day

The day of the year the Governing Board will notify an employee of a one-year extension to their employee contract. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.

Budget Override Day

The day of the year the Governing Board will call a budget override election to offer an employee a one-year extension to their employee contract. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.

Certificate Approved Areas

Enter the list of valid teaching certificate approved areas separated by carriage returns.

Certificate Endorsements

Enter the list of valid teaching certificate endorsements separated by carriage returns.

Certificate Types

Enter the list of valid teaching certificates separated by carriage returns.

Check Available Budget

Select Yes to check for available budget prior to approving an employee job in Manage Employees. Budget checks can be useful before approving an employee job/addendum since the expenditure account will be encumbered for the job/addendums compensation as soon as its approved. However, it may be useful to turn off budget checking at times, for example, for the period prior to budget approval when employee contracts are being created for the upcoming fiscal year.

Contract Status

Enter the list of valid contract statuses separated by carriage returns. Some examples are Continuing, Terminal, and Probationary.

Contract Types

Enter the list of valid contract types separated by carriage returns.


Enter the list of valid departments separated by carriage returns. These values will display in the Department list in Certificate Management.

Do not allow the total FTE of all primary jobs to exceed 1.0

When this value is set to Yes, primary jobs will be subject to validation during approval and when additional jobs are marked as primary. When the value is set to No there won't be any validation for this value for primary jobs.

Ethnic Groups

Enter the list of valid ethnic groups separated by carriage returns. These values will display in the Ethnicity list in Manage Employees.

Group Life Insurance

Enter the amount offered an employee for group life insurance. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.

Growth Retreat Allowance

Enter the amount offered an employee for administrative growth or retreats. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.


Enter the list of valid educational honors separated by carriage returns.

Leave Types

Enter the list of valid leave types separated by carriage returns. These values will display in the Leave Reason list in Manage Employees. Note: This is NOT related to leave taken in the Payroll Module. The field in Manage Employees is for tracking employees on extended leave or leave of absence.

Maintain Civil Service Position Numbers

Select Yes or No.

Maximum Contract Periods Paid

Enter maximum number of periods paid used to calculate the Contract Periods paid. Defaults to the number of Payroll Periods.

Minimum Wage

Enter the amount to be used for validation against the recalculation of the hourly wage for all job types based upon payment plan selections in Manage Employees and Employee Payroll Information. If the resulting rate is lower than minimum wage, you will receive an error.

Position Control Classifications

Enter the list of valid master position classifications separated by carriage returns.

Position Control Courses

Enter the list of valid position courses separated by carriage returns.

Position Control Grades

Enter the list of valid position grades separated by carriage returns.

Position Control Subjects

Enter the list of valid position subjects separated by carriage returns — for example, physical science & K-2 resource.

Position Control Types

Enter the list of valid position types separated by carriage returns. Examples are permanent & temporary.

Professional Association Dues

The amount offered to an employee for professional association membership dues. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.


Enter the list of valid races separated by carriage returns.

Retro Pay Master Position

Select the master position to use for retroactive payment.

School Year

Enter the current accounting cycle's defined school year. This amount prints on employee contracts if specified to do so when the employee contract is set up.


Enter the list of valid work locations separated by carriage returns. These values will display in the Site list in Manage Employees and Position Management.


Enter the list of valid suffixes for employee names separated by carriage returns. The default list contains the following entries: Jr., Sr., III, IV, and V.

Termination Reasons

Enter the list of valid reasons for terminating a contract separated by carriage returns.

Use Employee Form only for employee updates

Determines if the user is allowed to edit employees in Manage Employees or must edit them in the Employee Form.

Workman's Comp Codes

Enter the list of valid Workman's Comp Codes separated by carriage returns.


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