Close a Purchase Order

The Close Purchase Order feature manually closes a purchase order in the issued state.

Automatic closing of POs

Regular and blanket purchase orders are closed automatically when the quantity ordered equals the quantity received equals the quantity invoiced.

Most purchase orders can be closed automatically by setting the following values in Purchasing Configuration: Auto Close PO Threshold, Auto Close PO Types, Automatically Close POs, and Purchase Order Auto Close Date.

Close a PO manually

  1. Select Purchase Order from the Purchasing menu. The Purchase Order window opens.

  2. If needed, select the vendor to shorten the list and make it easier to locate the PO. You can enter the vendor name in the Quick Search field or use the pinned Ordering Vendor filter.

  3. Check the box for the issued PO, and click Close Purchase Order. A confirmation window opens.

  4. In the Transaction Date field, specify the date you want assigned to the encumbrance release transaction. This date defaults to the current date, but may be changed.

  5. Click Yes to confirm that you want to close the selected PO with the specified transaction date.


Return to Purchase Order Overview

Return to Purchasing Overview