Add Shipping Cost to a Requisition

Shipping costs may only be added to requisitions in the New or Rejected state.

When you add a shipping cost to a requisition, the system allocates that cost proportionally to each of the account codes already entered in line items on the purchase requisition.

Note: The Add Shipping Cost command can be selected as soon as one line item has been added to a requisition in the Requested Items grid, but if additional line items are added after you've added a shipping cost, the shipping line item account code allocations will not be re-allocated to reflect any additional account codes or changes in quantities or price.

If you add items after adding the shipping cost, you can delete the shipping line item and then add it again to get the system to re-calculate the shipping account code allocations based on the new information.

Add shipping cost

  1. Select Purchase Requisition from the Purchasing menu or My Purchase Requisitions from the My AptaFund menu.

  2. Check the box to select a New or Rejected requisition, and click Edit, or click the Request No link. The Edit Purchase Requisition window opens.

  3. Click the Add Shipping Cost button at the bottom of the window, and the Add Shipping Cost window opens.

  4. Enter the amount in the Shipping Cost field, and click Save. The shipping cost is added to the requisition and allocated proportionally between the account codes used on the requisition.


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