Add a Vendor 1099 Adjustment

  1. Select Vendor 1099 Adjustment from the Vendor menu, and the Vendor 1099 Adjustment window opens.

  2. Vendor Display: The default is to display only current 1099 vendors. Click the Show All Vendors radio button if you need to create an adjustment for a vendor that isn't designated as a 1099 vendor.
    Note: Click on a year link in the Calendar Year Summary grid to display the existing adjustments for the selected vendor in the selected year.

  3. Select the vendor for which you want to create an adjustment, and click the Add button at the bottom of the window. The Add Adjustment window opens.

  4. Complete the fields as described. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

  5. Click Save, and you'll be asked to confirm the action.

  6. Click Yes, and the adjustment is saved. The new adjustment amount and total 1099 amount for the year are displayed in the Calendar Year Summary grid. Click on the year link in the Calendar Year Summary grid to display the new adjustment.

If you need to correct this adjustment, you'll have to create another adjustment since adjustments can't be edited or deleted.


Return to Vendor 1099 Adjustment Overview

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