Assign an Asset Number

An asset number is required for all Capital or Inventory asset types. If you're not auto-receiving POs,you can assign asset numbers in Order Receipt or Vendor Invoice.  If AptaFund is configured to skip the Receiving module, assets cannot be added from the Accounts Payable module, and the asset numbers must be assigned in Asset Management.

Assign an asset number

If you're using the Receiving module AND you're not auto-receiving POs, you can assign an asset number in Vendor Invoice after you've designated the invoice item as either Capital or Inventory.

  1. Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.

  2. Check the box to select the invoice on which you want to assign an asset number, and click the Edit button, or click the Invoice Number link. The Edit Invoice window opens.

  3. Click on the Assets tab, and you'll see the asset items.

  4. Check the box for the Unassigned item you want to assign, and click Assign Asset Number. That window opens.

  5. Complete the fields as described.

  6. Click Assign.


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