Vendor Invoice Overview

Use the Vendor Invoice window to enter vendor invoices; apply credits, premiums, shipping cost & tax; submit invoices for payment; reimburse employees; view PO balances. You'll also use the Vendor Invoice window to create credit memos recording the credit you have with vendors.

Invoice statuses

View PO Balances

Users with the Vendor Invoice - PO Balance permission will be able to view the PO number, PO amount, amount paid to date, and PO balance in the invoice header once a regular invoice or credit memo associated with a PO is saved.

Steps in creating & processing a vendor invoice

  1. Enter vendor invoices — regular, direct, credit memo, and employee reimbursement

  2. Submit invoices for payment


Additional Vendor Invoice functions

Additional Vendor Invoice topics

Edit a vendor invoice

Vendor invoice types

Apply shipping costs

About vendor invoice & the Receiving module

Apply taxes

When the payment vendor is different from the purchase vendor

Apply credits and premiums

About use tax

Express warrant printing

View attached files

Edit items on a vendor invoice

View PO details

Set invoiced quantity for all items on an invoice


Delete an invoice


Delete an invoice item


Undo submit an invoice


Cancel an invoice


Attach files to an invoice


Assign an asset number



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