Vendor Invoice Types

Different types of vendor invoices are available for the various types of purchase orders, direct payments, and employee reimbursements.

Regular vendor invoice

This type of vendor invoice is associated with a purchase order. Line items for the purchase order will display in the Invoice Line Items grid. The requirements for handling regular vendor invoices vary depending on the purchase order type.

Regular vendor invoice for regular & blanket POs

Regular invoices for regular and blanket purchase orders can have unit prices increased above the purchase order amounts as long as the Percent over PO Maximum setting in Purchase Configuration is not exceeded.

When a regular vendor invoice for a regular or blanket purchase order is submitted for payment, the invoiced items are checked against the items received in the Receiving module. If the items received minus the items previously invoiced equal or exceed the items invoiced, the invoice will automatically be available to Payment Management for inclusion on a payment voucher. If the items received quantity is less than the items invoiced, the invoice transitions into the Pending state until all items are received or until the invoice is manually submitted for payment.

Regular and blanket purchase orders are closed automatically when the quantity ordered equals the quantity received equals the quantity invoiced and the invoices are fully paid.

Regular vendor invoice for dollar POs

Regular invoices for dollar purchase orders cannot exceed purchase order amounts regardless of the Percent over PO Maximum setting. When a regular vendor invoice for a dollar purchase order is submitted for payment, the AptaFund system does not check quantities received. Dollar purchase orders do not go to the Receiving module.

Direct vendor invoice

This type of invoice is used for direct payments, which bypass the normal purchasing process. Because purchase orders are not associated with this type, you enter line items directly on the invoice. The Receiving module is also bypassed, making Submitted invoices immediately available in Payment Management.

Employee invoice

This type of invoice is used for employee reimbursements. When you select this type of invoice, the Vendor field in the Vendor Invoice grid lists all employees available in Employee Management. You then enter the employee expenses directly as invoice line items. The Receiving module is bypassed, making Submitted invoices immediately available in Payment Management.

Credit memo

Use the credit memo invoice to record credit you have with a vendor.


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