View Purchase Order Details

There are two ways to view the purchase order details for an invoice in Vendor Invoice.

From the Vendor Invoice window

  1. Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.

  2. Click the PO Number link for the invoice on which you want to view the PO detail. The PO Details popup opens.

From the Edit Invoice window

  1. Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.

  2. Check the box to select the invoice for which you want to view the PO detail, and click the Edit button, or click the Invoice Number link. The Edit Invoice window opens.

  3. Click on the PO Detail tab, and the list of purchase orders paid on the invoice opens.

  4. Optional. Click on a PO Number link, and the PO Details popup opens.

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