Copy a Vendor Invoice

The Copy Vendor Invoice command allows you to select one or more existing vendor invoices in any state and create copies with the same line items. This feature is especially useful for copying invoices for goods and services that are purchased repeatedly throughout the year.

Note: You can either copy multiple invoices in the Vendor Invoice window or copy a single invoice while you're editing it. If you copy an invoice from within the Edit Invoice window, the new invoice opens in the Edit Invoice window, available for editing.

Copy multiple invoices in the Vendor Invoice window

  1. Select Vendor Invoice from the Accounts Payable menu, and the Vendor Invoice window opens displaying invoices for all vendors.

  2. Select the invoice(s) to copy, and select Copy Vendor Invoice from the More menu. New invoices are created with the words "Copy of" in front of the original invoice number. You may now modify the new invoices as needed.

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