Asset Management Overview

Asset statuses

Asset item statuses

Taxes, freight, shipping, and discounts associated with invoices are allocated across capital assets and included in their cost in Asset Management.

About asset condition

The default value is Good. Additional conditions are added in Capital Assets Configuration.

This field can be edited while the asset is in the New, Active, or Depreciated state.

Changing the condition of an asset is typically the result of a physical inventory, and a record of the change is saved on the asset's History tab. The condition on the asset record isn't related to the Received Condition on the Order Receipt.

Note: You can't change the condition once an asset is Disposed. Ensure that this field displays the required condition prior to disposing an asset.

Asset management process

  1. Enter or import historical assets into AptaFund

  2. Add assets and asset items either directly in Asset Management, through Purchasing & Accounts Payable for regular invoices, or through Accounts Payable for direct invoices.

  3. Add items to an asset

  4. Accept an asset

  5. Accept asset items

Other asset management functions & topics

About three methods of entering assets

About asset depreciation

Run depreciation


Asset items:


Return to Capital Assets Overview