Leave Type Detail tab

When the Leave module is turned on, you'll see the Leave Type Detail tab instead of the Leave Detail tab in Manage Employees.

Use the Leave Type Detail tab in the Edit Employee popup to add, edit and delete leave transactions for an employee — as well as create leave accrual records.

You can also add, edit, and delete leave transactions in the Leave Balances and Leave Details windows.

Add leave transaction

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click on the Leave Type Detail tab.

  6. Check the box for the leave type you want to edit, and click Edit. The Employee Leave Detail window opens.

  7. Click Add, and the Add Leave Transaction window opens.

  8. Complete the fields as described. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required.

  9. When finished, click Save if you're done adding leave transactions, or click Save and Add to continue adding transactions.

Edit leave transactions

You can only edit unposted leave transactions. If you need to edit the amount of leave that was rolled over or change a beginning balance that was entered incorrectly, you'll have to enter an adjustment-type leave transaction.

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click on the Leave Type Detail tab.

  6. Check the box(es) for the leave type you want to edit, and click Edit. The Employee Leave Detail window opens.

  7. Check the box for the transaction you want to edit, and click Edit. The Edit Leave Transaction window opens.

  8. Edit the fields as needed, and click Save. If editing multiple records, click the arrow in the upper right corner to move to the next record.

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Delete a leave transaction

Only unposted transactions can be deleted.

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click on the Leave Type Detail tab.

  6. Check the box for the leave type containing a transaction you want to delete, and click Edit. The Employee Leave Detail window opens.

  7. Check the box for the unposted transaction you want to delete, and click Delete. You're asked to confirm the action.

  8. Click Yes. The Result window opens when the process is complete.

  9. Click Close when you're done reviewing the results.

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Create leave accrual records

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click on the Leave Type Detail tab.

  6. Check the box for the leave type for which you want to accrue leave, and click Edit. The Employee Leave Detail window opens.

  7. Click Create Leave Accrual Records, and you're asked to confirm the action with the following message: "Are you sure you want to create new accrual records? This will overwrite any future accrual records of this leave type for this employee."

  8. Click Yes, and you're notified that the process has been added to your job queue.

  9. Review the results when the process is complete.

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