Disable Employees

Disabling an employee record removes the employee from lists throughout the AptaFund modules. While the names of disabled employees will no longer display in lists, reports can still be created that reference any previous employee activity in the system.

You can disable employees either in the Manage Employees grid or in the Employee Detail popup.

Employees cannot be disabled if they have jobs in the Active state.

Click here for more information about disabled employees.

Disable employee(s)

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or filters to display a single employee or group of employees.

  3. Check the box(es) for the employee(s) you want to disable, and click Disable Employee. You'll be asked to confirm the action.

  4. Click Yes. The employee(s) are disabled, and a notification of the number disabled is displayed above the grid.

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