Only submitted and paid employees can be removed from payroll. Removing submitted employees resets their status to Available; removing paid employees resets their status to Suspended.
You'll need to remove an employee from payroll in several situations:
You need to make adjustments to an employee's payroll information after the employee has been paid.
You need to make changes to a submitted employee's deduction set.
You need to modify an employee's jobs. You first need to close active jobs, then make modifications and re-approve the jobs to encumber new/remaining amounts.
You need to disable an employee who will no longer be paid by your organization.
The Remove Employee from Payroll command removes the employee and all jobs/addenda and makes the employee unavailable to be paid in Payroll Management.
When an employee is removed from payroll, any remaining funds that were encumbered for the employer’s portion of deductions are released. You must then close the employee's jobs in Manage Employees to release any remaining encumbrances.
Note: You can add a job to a register for an employee without removing the employee from payroll. See Submit a Job to Payroll.
If you're not sure whether to remove the employee from payroll or to remove a job from payroll, refer to Remove an Employee from Payroll vs. Remove a Job from Payroll.
You can remove multiple employees from payroll in one step.
Select Employee Payroll Information from the Payroll menu, and the Employee Payroll Information window opens.
Check the box(es) beside the employee name(s), and click the Remove Employee from Payroll command in the top right corner of the window. You're notified how many employees were removed, and their status is changed to Available or Suspended.
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