This topic describes how to enter federal holidays, other holidays, conference days, partial days, and non-work days on a New or Inactive calendar. You can designate these days individually or by editing a range of dates. Both methods are described.
The different types of work and non-work days are indicated by different color text and highlighting.
Click the button to display the color
key for the calendar.
You can also use the Calendar Summary popup to check your work as you enter special days.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the Edit Range button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Calendar Range window opens.
Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the range you want to work in.
Check the Include Federal Holidays box.
If the holidays are to be paid, enter 1 in the Work Day field.
Click Save. You're asked to confirm the mass update to the calendar.
Click Yes. The federal holidays for the selected range are added to the calendar and highlighted in blue.
If your district has additional paid holidays, such as the day after Thanksgiving, you'll need to enter these separately.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the date you want to add. The Edit Calendar Day window opens displaying the date.
Enter the text "Holiday - " followed by the description of the holiday in the Description field — for example, Holiday - Day after Thanksgiving. Note: Giving the description the prefix of "Holiday - " causes the calendar to recognize the day as a holiday and highlight it in blue.
Enter 1 in the Work Day field.
Click Save. The holiday is added to the calendar and highlighted in blue.
Use the Edit Calendar Day window to enter individual conference days, or the Edit Calendar Range window or to enter a range of conference days.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the date you want to designate as a conference day. The Edit Calendar Day window opens displaying the date.
Enter the text "Conference Day" in the Description field. Note: Using this description causes the calendar to recognize the day as a conference day and highlight it in blue.
Enter 1 in the Work Day field if it's to be a paid day.
Click Save. The conference day is added to the calendar and highlighted in green.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the Edit Range button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Calendar Range window opens.
Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the range you want to designate as conference days. The range can be a short as two days.
Check the boxes naming the days to be included — for example, Wed, Thr, Fri.
Enter the text "Conference Day" in the Description field. Note: Using this description causes the calendar to recognize the day as a conference day and highlight it in blue.
Enter 1 in the Work Day field if it's to be a paid day.
Click Save. You're asked to confirm the mass update to the calendar.
Click Yes. The conference days are added to the calendar and highlighted in green.
Use the Edit Calendar Day window to enter individual partial days, or the Edit Calendar Range window or to enter a range of partial days if they're all to be worked the same portion of the day.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the date you want to designate as a partial day. The Edit Calendar Day window opens displaying the date.
Optional. Enter a Description.
Enter the portion of the day to be worked in the Work Day field — for example, .5 for a half day.
Click Save. The partial day is added to the calendar and highlighted in yellow.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the Edit Range button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Calendar Range window opens.
Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the range you want to designate as partial days. The range can be a short as two days.
Check the boxes naming the days to be included — for example, Wed, Thr, Fri.
Optional. Enter a Description.
Enter the portion of the day to be worked in the Work Day field — for example, .5 for a half day.
Click Save. You're asked to confirm the mass update to the calendar.
Click Yes. The partial days are added to the calendar and highlighted in yellow.
Use the Edit Calendar Day window to enter individual non-work days, or the Edit Calendar Range window or to enter a range of non-work days.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the date you want to designate as a non-work day. The Edit Calendar Day window opens displaying the date.
Optional. Enter a Description.
Enter 0 in the Work Day field.
Click Save. The partial day is added to the calendar and highlighted in gray.
While in the Edit Calendar window, click the Edit Range button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Calendar Range window opens.
Enter the Begin Date and End Date for the range you want to designate as non-work days. The range can be a short as two days.
Check the boxes naming the days to be included — for example, Wed, Thr, Fri.
Optional. Enter a Description.
Enter 0 in the Work Day field.
Click Save. You're asked to confirm the mass update to the calendar.
Click Yes. The non-work days are added to the calendar and highlighted in gray.
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